Improv 201: Scene Work and Characters
Our next Improv 201 class with instructor Czarina Nafarrate!

Stand Up 101: Intro to Stand Up Comedy
Our next Stand Up 101 class with instructor Rory Monserat!

Improv 301: Game of the Scene
Our next Improv 301 class with instructor Kallie Siderewicz!

Improv 501: Harold Advanced Techniques
Our next Improv 501 class with instructor, Justin Lukasewicz.

Stand Up 101: Intro to Stand Up Comedy
Our next Stand Up 101 class with instructor Rich Gary!

Improv 101: Basics (One Day Intensive)
Our Improv 101 One Day Intensive class with instructor Jessica Hill.

Improv 201: Scene Work and Characters
Our next Improv 201 class with instructor Graham Downing.

Sketch 101: Writing Basics (DIGITAL EDITION!)
Our next Sketch 101, a 6 week digital class, starts July 6th with instructor, Amanda Tennyson!

Teen Improv 101 (13-17)
Our next Teen Improv 101 (13-17 year olds) class starts on April 28th with Sara Alcazar-Silva; Wednesdays 6pm - 8:00pm.

Stand Up 101: Intro to Stand Up Comedy (Digital Edition)
Our next Stand Up 101 class starts on February 8th with instructor Rich Gary!

Sketch 201: Writing Basics (DIGITAL EDITION!)
Our next Sketch 201, a 6 week digital class, starts January 10th with instructor Amanda Tennyson!

Stand Up 101: Intro to Stand Up Comedy (Digital Edition)
Our next Stand Up 101 class starts on October 19th with instructors, Rory Monserat & Rich Gary!

Improv Foundations
Learn the philosophies and tenents of improv virtually starting Sunday May 31st with Justin Lukasewicz!

Intro to Performing Virtual Improvisation
Mondays from 6pm, starting 5/25/20 with Justin Lukasewicz!

Youth Improv 101 (7-12): BASICS
Our next Youth Improv 101 class starts in March with the extraordinary Zach Armstrong. Saturdays 12pm - 1:30pm.

Improv 601: The Deconstruction
Our next Improv 601 class starts in April with the amazing Zack Armstrong. Wednesdays, 6-8:30pm.

Elective: Object Work
Come learn the art of object work in improv by the amazing Zack Armstrong for a 3 week elective on Wednesdays 6-8:30pm.

The Spiciest Scenes
In this super fun workshop taught by Emily Holland we're going to shake up those snoozefest scenes & play with initiations, simplicity, body language, Mamet-scented scenes, silence, simply being. Only $25!

Elective: Beyond Harold
Try our next elective class for long form improv going beyond Harold, taught by Zack Armstrong! Sundays 1pm - 3:30pm.

Sketch 201: The Writer's Room
Our next Sketch 201 class starts soon with the amazing Daniel Kirby!